Round #2 Summary and Grand Totals
I absolutely love numbers and data and measuring my progress over time, so please see below for a summary of Round #2 of Whole30 in addition to grand totals between round #1 and round #2.
Round #1: 01/02/2018-02/01/2018
13.8 pounds - Total Weight Loss
2.2 - BMI Decrease
Round #2: 02/19/2018 - 03/20/2018
13.8 pounds - Total Weight Loss
2.2 - BMI Decrease
In Between Rounds - 02/02/2018-02/18/2018
2.3 pounds - Weight gain
Events = Superbowl, NYC Birthday Weekend, and a Family Visit (i.e. 3 consecutive weekends of abnormal routine/going out to eat way more than I normally would).Round #2: 02/19/2018 - 03/20/2018
10.9 pounds - Total Weight Loss
1.7 - BMI Decrease
Round #1 + Round #2: 01/02/2018 - 03/20/2018
22.4 pounds - Total Weight Loss
3.5 - BMI Decrease
I am so incredibly proud and AMAZED at my progress! I had no idea how positively Whole30 would change my life. Also, I had no problems with my Crohn's Disease during this round of Whole30. Just like the first round, I am nervous about having options again/not being required to stick strictly to the Whole30 rules. However, I'm going to take what I've learned from Whole30 and continue to find balance between living/eating healthy and indulging.
With that being said, I still have another 13 pounds left to lose before my initial weight loss goal is met, so, round #3 starts in April! Woot!

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