11 Days of Fun, 9 Days to Recover

When it comes to weight loss I think it is really easy to become negative, dismiss your progress/hard work, and only focus on what you have left to work on.

In between rounds #2 and #3 we drove to Tree House and bought 4 cases of beer (we by no means drank all of it), then went on a 3-day weekend to Portland (lots of eating and drinking), did not go grocery shopping on our way back from Portland, and just tried to hold on for the remainder of the week before starting round #3. In other words, I went a bit more off the deep end then I had any intention of doing. So, it was really easy for me to focus on the fact that it has taken me 9 days of Round #3 in order to get back down to the weight I ended Round #2 at. This feels like a giant waste of time to me... I could have been making more progress in those 9 days! But, my husband pointed out that all weight loss is progress, I'm still 23 pounds lighter than I was as of 01/02/18, and at the end of round #3 we're not going to have any vacations, trips, major indulgences planned, so we can just go on "as normal" and not go off the deep end again. This pep talk allowed me to redirect my thinking into a more positive direction and remind myself that I have not weighed this little in at least 5 years. I should be proud of my progress AND proud of the fact that I feel nervous about indulging to such a degree (this level of indulgence used to be our "normal"). So, cheers to the remaining 21 days of Round #3 of Whole30 and all the progress that will be made!


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